Will you sponsor me and give me a name? (:
We have 600 dogs, 300 cats, 9 horses, 1 pony, a hutch of rabbits, 3 monkeys and 1 gibbon waiting for sponsors. 100% of sponsorship will go towards their food, water, medicines and the maintenance of the Noah's Ark Natural Animal Sanctuary. Please give generously. We thank you on behalf of the animals. Please note not all the animals will have names. They are waiting for you....
Will you sponsor me and give me a name? (:
ps: I have been sponsored but you can still contribute. Please pick another one of my friends from the Sanctuary. They have been waiting for you. Thank you so much.
Shadow has been sponsored but you can still contribute. Please pick anyone of Shadow's friends from the Sanctuary. They have been waiting for so long. Thank you so much :).