Say Hi to Flame, a 10-year old German Shepherd cruelly dumped outside NANAS recently. Lying in the middle of the road, he was too weak to walk. He could have been run over by the industrial lorries that drove by. Thankfully the driver of one of the lorries was kind enough to stop at NANAS to call for help. He seemed to have been used for breeding and he has very weak hind legs.He also has a heart problem. He was given medication and has been with NANAS for a few months now. He is slowly regaining his ability to walk but needs to be treated with medication. Flame has found a kind-hearted soul to sponsor him, but if you would like to contribute to his medical expenses, please let us know. Thank you so much in advance.
Postscript: Unfortunately, due to his age and illness, Flame has left us. Before he came to the Ark, he was abandoned as an old and a sick dog. At the Ark, in the last few months before his passing, he was loved, cared for and sheltered. You can see the happiness in his face in the picture. He even had the good karma to find a kind-hearted sponsor. So we let him go and know he is now in a happy place looking down on the Ark: another guardian angel of the Ark.